Biodiversity Net Gain – will 2024 bring clarity?

Please join us for the first webinar of our 2024 Planning and Compulsory Purchase webinar series where we will be focussing on the practical implications of the Biodiversity Net Gain regime.

In this webinar, practice development lawyer Sarah Sutherland will be joined by Planning and Compulsory Purchase specialists, Cathryn Tracey, Director, Daniel Whittle, Senior Associate and Douglas Haycock, Solicitor.

During the session the speakers will take you through the details of the draft legislation published last December, the recent DEFRA guidance notes, new BNG PPG and industry guidance from PAS.

As the timetable for implementation is still uncertain at the time of writing, the speakers will provide an up to date account of the implementation of the regime relating to TCPA schemes and NSIPs, as well as recent case law about the weight to be attached to BNG in the interim.

We hope you are able to make it and look forward to seeing you.
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.